U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

U.S. Fish &  Wildlife Service

Division of  Migratory Bird Management

Data Center Home Database Selection Page


Mid-Winter Waterfowl Survey
4-letter species codes

Code  Species
ABDU American black duck
AMCO American Coot
AGWT Green-winged teal
AMWI American wigeon
BCTE Blue-winged and cinnamon teal (not speciated)
BRAN Brant
BUFF Bufflehead
TCAG Canada geese (not speciated)
CANV Canvasback
EIDE Eider (not speciated)
GADW Gadwall
GOLD Goldeneye (not speciated)
GWFG Greater white-fronted goose
HARD Harlequin duck
TLTG Light geese1
LTDU Long-tailed duck
MALL Mallard
MEDU Mexican-like duck
MERG Merganser (not speciated)
MISC Miscellaneous2
MODU Mottled duck
NOPI Northern pintail
NSHO Northern shoveler
REDH Redhead
RNDU Ring-necked duck
RUDU Ruddy duck
SACR Sandhill crane
SCAU Scaup (not speciated)
SCOT Scoters
TSWN Swan3 (not differentiated)
UDUC Unidentified duck
WHDU Whistling duck
WODU Wood duck

1Light Geese include white and blue phase snow geese, ross's geese, and undifferentiated light geese.
2Miscellaneous ducks include any other species of ducks identified, but not historically counted on the survey. They may be comprised of, but not limited to Eurasian Wigeon, Tree-Ducks, or domestic ducks.
3Swans include Tundra, Trumpeter, Mute and unidentified swans

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