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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
North American Woodcock Singing-ground Survey Acknowledgements

American Woodcock shows appreciation

The Division of Migratory Bird Management in Laurel, Maryland would like to take the time to acknowledge the people, federal agencies and state/provincial agencies that make the American Woodcock Singing-ground Survey possible each year. 

We would first like to thank the following Regional and State/Province Coordinators for their continued support and assistance with the American Woodcock Singing-ground Survey:

Regional U.S. Coordinators

State/Province Coordinators

Kelly VanBeek Central Min Huang Connecticut
Chris Dwyer Eastern Adam Macy Delaware

Regional Canadian Coordinators

Ben Williams Illinois
Adam Phelps Indiana
Christian Roy National Maurry Mills Maine
Ted Barney Maritimes Marc Schuster Manitoba
    Hutch Walbridge Maryland
    David Scarpitti Massachusetts
Don Avers   Michigan
Kelly VanBeek Minnesota, & Wisconsin
Kevin Connor New Brunswick
Jessica Carloni New Hampshire
Jimmy Sloan New Jersey
Josh Stiller New York
Lee Millett Nova Scotia
Lyle Fendrick Ohio
Kathy Jones Ontario
Dan Adams Pennsylvania
Matt Ginn Prince Edward Island
Mathieu Tetreault Quebec
Lizzi Bonczek Rhode Island
Andrew Bouton Vermont
David Garst Virginia
    Mike Peters West Virginia

We would like to acknowledge the continued support by the following State/Provincial agencies who supply many of the observers who run the survey.

We want to acknowledge the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System, the Canadian Wildlife Service, US Department of Agriculture, US Geological Survey, and various universities, tribes, and nonprofit organizations for supplying personnel to run the survey. We also want to thank Andrew Hicks with the Canadian Wildlife Service who enters survey data for all of the Maritime provinces.

Our we missing your agency?  Please email the Webmaster and let her know.  We update this site regularly and would be more than happy to make an addition or correction.

Survey Observers

The biggest thanks goes out to all the observers who run the survey routes each spring.  Because of these loyal observers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been able to produce the American Woodcock Population Status Report each year since 1968. 

Finally, we want to acknowledge Toan Nguyen, IRTM, USFWS, who currently assists and supports the American Woodcock Singing-ground Survey Data Entry Website when technical issues arise.

Loop arrow Thank you again for all your continued support!
- The DMBM staff

Last Updated:      Please direct website questions/comments/survey related inquiries to, USFWS, Division of Migratory Bird Management.